
Dr. Jay Lim Kheng Sit

PanAsia Surgery

Dr Lim obtained his Bachelor of Computing from the National University of Singapore in 2005 and completed his graduate medical degree from the University of Sydney in 2009. He completed his Urology Surgical Training in 2017 and was interested in stone-related research, prevention and surgery. Dr Lim believes communication in English, Mandarin and dialects is critical to a robust Doctor-Patient relationship. Before joining PanAsia, he was trained at Singapore General Hospital, a tertiary referral centre. He specialises in kidney stone diseases, including acute renal colic, horseshoe kidneys, and pregnant-related stone-related and single kidney patients. He is also trained in the full spectrum approach for large and small renal stones, including endoscopic, laparoscopic and ultrasound-based supine percutaneous techniques for large stones. He expanded his training with a fellowship in robotic surgery at Macquarie University Hospital, Sydney, Australia, under Prof David Gillatt in 2022. Dr Lim was the first doctor to be appointed Principal Medical Investigator by Artificial Intelligence Singapore for his pioneering grant in Natural Language Processing and has since won multiple grants from AISG and the Ministry of Health. He was the Director of the Urology Cancer Registry (UroCaRe) till 2022. As a Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator, he held 13 research grants from 2016 to 2022 and has published internationally. A keen innovator, he was awarded the Singapore-MIT innovation fellowship in 2017. He is actively involved in the medical device innovation scene and holds a patent for his work. Dr Lim is an active educator/lecturer and mentor for students, medical officers and urology residents. He was a Clinical Assistant Professor at NUS YLL School of Medicine, a Clinical Instructor at Duke-NUS Medical School and a Clinical Teacher at NTU-LKC School of Medical School. He won Urology Outstanding Faculty in 2020.

Special Interests:

  • Endourology
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Laparoscopy

Certification & Qualification:

  • MBBS (Syd)
  • MRCS(Edin)
  • MRCS(Glasg)
  • MMed (Surg)
  • FAMS (Urology)


  • English

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