Our Services

At LYFLINE, we perform the following to ensure a seamless and comprehensive medical care service, keeping you well-informed, comfortable and secure all the way through.

Guided treatment delivery

Thorough information and background understanding via initial consultation

Complete options provided - doctors, clinics, hospitals and treatment packages

Post-treatment care locally and internationally

Access to teleconsultation from doctors worldwide

Travel requirements

Customized travel plans from flights, hotels, travel permits, visa arrangements (medical and tourist) and more

Out-of-country care to help you adjust to local guidelines such as translator, airport transit, butler, food and beverages and other services

Tourism requirements for patients who’d like to take local tours, sightseeing and local area explorations

Medical evacuation to transport you to safety

Budget and insurance management

Flexibility of budgeting - everything is planned to what you’re comfortable paying

Open financial details, no hidden fees and payment schemes

Assistance in using insurance plans

Homecare Service

COVID19 Tests (PCR Swab & Antigen Swab)

IV drips therapy (multivitamin, Vitamin C, Neurobion, Hangover remedies, skin brightening and more)

In-house doctors and nurses

Blood tests and more

Book your appointment with us today

Reservation Form

Send us a message via Whatsapp or fill the reservation form below. Our team will respond to you during business hours.