Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s everything you need to know about LYFLINE. If you have more questions, feel free to get in touch with us using the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What is a medical care facilitator?

A medical care facilitator is a service provider, who guides you on your medical treatment. Think of them as an advisor, someone who can ensure that your medical plan is in accordance with your needs, budget and comfort. There are thousands of options available out there, in terms of doctors, treatments, facilities, medicines, so handling all these by yourself may prove to be a hassle, expensive and inefficient, especially if you aren’t medically-experienced. 

When you work with a medical care facilitator, they handle it all, with your preferences, so you can focus on what matters – your health. 

What do they do?

All things medical and comfort – recommend doctors, recommend medical facilities, arrange your bookings and treatments, make sure you have all your travel requirements, take care of all the paperwork, be in touch with your medical providers while you undergo treatment and help you conclude the treatment, with appropriate post-treatment care. 

Why do I need one?

Different countries have different requirements when it comes to paperwork, payment procedures, insurance plans, language and culture differences and others. Having someone who understands all these details will ensure that your overseas stay remains seamless. 

Even if your treatment is done within domestic borders, the fact is that there is an abundance of options out there. A medical care facilitator has all the information about all these options, allowing them to customize a plan that fits you best. 

What if I don’t have a diagnosis yet?

No problem! If you think you are undergoing something that you cannot diagnose just yet, get in touch with us and we can set up an appointment with a medical provider that suits you. 

You don’t have to have sufficient information before working with LYFLINE – we can work on all your preliminary tests such as lab tests, scans, etc.. 

What if I want to change my treatment plan in between?

With LYFLINE, your plans are customized for you. Therefore, we will be as flexible as we can when working with you as a patient. However, we will continue recommending the best options for you based on your medical care provider’s suggestions. 

What do homecare facilities include?

Homecare service is when your treatment is conducted at your own home. Services offered here include lab tests at home (sample-taking at home), COVID-19 swab tests, vaccinations, in-house doctors and nurses, IV drips treatments and more. 

Currently, our homecare facilities include areas of Jakarta and Bali. 

Which countries are you in partnership with?

We are currently in partnerships with medical providers in Indonesia (base country), Malaysia, Singapore, India, Turkey and Thailand, with a variety of medical providers in each. For more information about each partner, please see the “Our Partners” page. 

What are your packages like?

No two humans are the same, no two medical conditions are the same and no two diagnoses are ever the same. So, each plan is customized to you. Please get in touch with us and we are happy to answer your queries. 

Can I book my own travel arrangements and let you work on the medical part of the plan?

Yes, we can! The scope of our service is flexible and suited to yours. If you’d like to take care of your own travel arrangements, but require assistance in our medical plans, we will be happy to comply. 

Reservation Form

Send us a message via Whatsapp or fill the reservation form below. Our team will respond to you during business hours.