
dr. Sunaryo Kusumo, M.Kes, Sp.OT(K)-Hip and Knee

Mayapada Hospital Jakarta Selatan


  • 1st Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Course and Workshop
  • Technical Forefoot Surgery Workshop
  • Symposium and Workshop for RA
  • Course on LOAC
  • 3rd Pelvic and Acetabular Course and Workshop
  • Senior Leader Symposium of Pandemic Influenza Workshop
  • 2nd IHKS Scientific Meeting on Acetabular Intelegence Workshop
  • Arthroplasty ICL and Sport Medicine ILC
  • Knee Arthroplasty, Management of ACL and Meniscus Rupture Workshop
  • Management of Knee OA
  • 29th HongkongOrthopaedic Association 2009
  • Simposium OA Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
  • 20th APMMC 2010
  • Temu Ilmiah Reumatologi
  • The Bracing in Treatment of Lower Extremity Patients with Osteoarthritis
  • Indonesian Pain Society Working Conference
  • Working Conference of IOTA “Trauma and Reconstructions”
  • 2nd Scientific Meeting of IHKS
  • 3rd Scientific Meeting of Hip and Knee Society, Hip Symposium
  • 3rd Scientific Meeting of Hip and Knee Society, Knee Symposium
  • 3rd Scientific Meeting of Hip and Knee Society, Sport Medicine Symposium
  • Mini Symposium Osteoarthritis Management
  • Sport Medicine Symposium
  • AAOS-IOA Education Program
  • Seminar Etik Orthopaedi
  • 4th Scientific meeting of Indonesian Hip and Knee Society (IHKS
  • 12th Conference of Indonesian Orthopaedic Association
  • 2nd International Congress for Joint Reconstruction South East Asia
  • 20th National congress of Indonesian Orthopaedic Association
  • Combined 5th Scientific Meeting of IHKS with ICJR Symposium
  • AO Recon Asia Pasifik
  • Seminar Rehab Amputasi
  • Seminar Etika & Disiplin Kedokteran
  • 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of ISHA
  • Seminar Rehab Cedera Flexus Brachialis


  • Bahasa Indonesia

Reservation Form

Send us a message via Whatsapp or fill the reservation form below. Our team will respond to you during business hours.