Surgical Oncology

dr. Rachmat Christian Nikijuluw, Sp.B (K) Onk


dr. Rachmat Christian Nikijuluw, SpB (K) Onk is an Oncology Surgeon. Currently, dr. Rachmat Christian Nikijuluw, SpB (K) Onk, is practicing at MRCCC Hospital. Karet Semanggi. South Jakarta. As a doctor, he has been educated at Udayana University.
Dr. Rachmat Christian Nikijuluw, SpB (K) OnkP is a member of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Society of Oncology Surgeons (PERABOI).

Condition Treated:

  • Breast Tumors
  • Head and Neck Surgery
  • Soft Tissue Tumors


  • 2004 Universitas Kristren Indonesia – Dokter Umum
  • 2011 Universitas Sam Ratulangi – Spesialis Bedah Umum – SpB
  • 2018 Universitas Udayana Bali – Konsultan Bedah Onkologi – SpB(K)Onk

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