Orthopedic Surgeon

dr. M. Taufiq, Sp.OT(K)Hip & Knee

Mitra Keluarga Bekasi

Medical Procedure:

  • Artroplasti
  • Injeksi Cairan Sendi
  • Konsultasi Ortopedi
  • Operasi Bahu
  • Skrining Tulang dan Sendi
  • Total Knee Replacement
  • USG Muskuloskeletal
  • Traksi
  • Hemiarthroplasti
  • Injeksi Sendi Sacroiliac
  • Laminotomy
  • Osteotomi
  • Skrining Cedera Lutut
  • Terapi Hormon Pertumbuhan
  • Stimulasi Listrik Fungsional
  • Skrining Cedera Panggul
  • Operasi Saraf Kejepit
  • C-Arm
  • Bedah Ortopedi
  • Bone Densitometry
  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)
  • Micro Endoscopic Disectomy (MED)
  • Laminectomy
  • Radiasi Inframerah
  • Shoulder Wheel
  • Skrining Skoliosis
  • Transforaminal Block


  • Sp.OT – Spesialis Ortopedi


  • Bahasa Indonesia

Reservation Form

Send us a message via Whatsapp or fill the reservation form below. Our team will respond to you during business hours.