Orthopedic, Sport Injury & Trauma

dr. Charles Hoo, Sp.OT (K)-Knee, Shoulder and Sport Injury

Mayapada Hospital Jakarta Selatan


  • Ortopedi(Tulang dan Traumatologi) – Konsultan Lutut & Bahu
  • Kedokteran Olahraga (Sport Medicine)

Education & Fellowship:

  • Fellowship Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (Hip, Knee & Ankle Foot) Hiroshima University Hospital
  • Fellowship Orthopaedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy RSCM
  • Orthopaedic & Traumatology Residency Program (PPDS 1) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
  • Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University
  • Hiperkes & Occupational Safety Course for Industry Health Care Provider – FK Universitas Airlangga
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support Course
  • Fundamental Critical Care Support Course
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support Courses
  • International Medical Transfer Training
  • Basic Surgical Skill Course
  • AO Trauma Course – Basic Principles in Operative Fracture Management
  • Workshop of Basic TKR & THR Surgical Techniques
  • Workshop of Total Knee & Hip Replacement
  • Workshop of Role of CAS in Primary TKR and How to do Revision TKR
  • 55th COE 2009 “Orthopaedic Sport Injury”
  • Workshop of Total Knee Replacement
  • Workshop & Live Surgery Arthroscopy and Arthrosplasty
  • Acetabular Intelligence Workshop
  • The 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Hip & Knee Society (IHKS)
  • Workshop Knee Arthroscopy
  • Simulative Training on Cadaveric Total Hip Replacement
  • Simulative Training on Cadaveric Knee Arthroscopy
  • The 61st COE of Indonesian Orthopaedic Association (IOA)
  • Instructional Course Lecture Arthroplasty
  • Cadaveric Workshop Knee Arthroscopy (ACL, PCL Reconstruction)
  • AO Trauma Course – Advanced Princeples in Fracture Management
  • Workshop Shoulder & Knee Arthroscopy
  • AAOS 2016 Annual Meeting
  • The 63rd COE of Indonesia Orthopaedic Association (IOA)
  • The 2nd Congress & 4th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy
  • The 90th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association “Revival & Renewal”
  • The 2nd ASSA Knee & Shoulder Cadaveric Workshop
  • The Combined Conference in Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine
  • All About ACL Injury – Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation International Workshop
  • The 5th Biennial Asia Arthroscopy Congress (AAC)
  • The 32nd Annual Research Meeting of The Japanese Orthopaedic Association


  • Bahasa Indonesia

Reservation Form

Send us a message via Whatsapp or fill the reservation form below. Our team will respond to you during business hours.