
dr. Aron Husink Sp.JP(K), FIHA

Mayapada Hospital Tangerang

Special Skills:

  • Coronary Angiography & Intervention
  • Advance Percutaneous Coronary Intervention untuk kasus Jantung Koroner kompleks

Qualification & Certification:

  • Basic Life Support
  • Pelatihan Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kegawatan dan Kedaruratan
  • Evidence Base Medicine in Critical Care
  • Advance Cardiac Life Support
  • Workshop INAECHO, 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association
  • Mini Course on Acute De-compensated Heart Failure, 21th Weekend Course on Cardiology
  • Kuliah Umum, Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan, Makassar Cardiovascular Update (MCVU) IX
  • Internal Medicine Emergency Life Support (IMELS) Workshop
  • Pencegahan dan Penanganan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD)
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support
  • Workshop on Cardiovascular Stress Testing, A Collaboration of Working Group of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation and Indonesian Society of Echocardiography of Indonesian Heart Association
  • Workshop on Syncope, 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Indonesian Heart Rhythm Society
  • Workshop on Noninvasive Rhythm Monitoring, 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Indonesian Heart Rhythm Society


  • Bahasa Indonesia

Reservation Form

Send us a message via Whatsapp or fill the reservation form below. Our team will respond to you during business hours.